
last lecture on wednesday

 It's really a pity that the last lecture occured this wednesday. I expect that the last lecture will occure next week,but it is not. How quickly the time passes by! I  learnt something interesting in last tutorial course,which is recursive function. The following is what i worked on.

define (vertical-line n)
  (line 0 n "black"))
(define (spiral n)(cond
[(zero? n)(vertical-line 10)]
[else(beside/align "bottom"(vertical-line(+ 10(* 2 n)))
(rotate 90 (spiral (sub1 n))))]))

This is what i want to share with you guys. Try on this function, and you will get beautiful pictures!


Term test 2

 I want to talk about my term test 2... Ok, i want to complain a bit . This time i get really low marks,compared to the first test. I believe many peers have the same situation. The first part, short answer, is even new to me... I did prepare for the test, but it seems it does no good. I hear many students complain that the questions are not on the slides and notes provided. I suggest that proffesor give more questions about programing problems , or give us the notes we can refer to instead of giving us a big surprise on the test..
 ( to be continued)

A late beginning!

As you see from the topic, ya, this is my first slog,which is really late. I forgot about this stuff,embarssingly. I hope to keep pace with my peers and update several blogs a week. Today's class is really fun , relaxing and helpful. The professor talked about the privacy . I keep the opinion that we should somewhat protect our own privacy . I'm not extremist. In terms of dr racket, we learnt the recusive function,which is a relatively hard function. I'm going to work hard on this , and try to get good marks if it occurs on the final exam!